It's that time of year - where you decide to take on the challenge of fitness. The hardest part isn't always starting, it's staying the course.
Make this year the one that works. By making it work for you, instead of against you. Not sure where to start? Check out these tips, and then reach out for more help.
I'm here for you!
Check out these top tips to help you keep going this year:
1 - Make a plan
Having a plan is one of the most important things. I absolutely am more successful when I have a specific plan to follow. When all I have to do is press play and follow along, I am much more likely to stay consistent. But also knowing when I will workout during my crazy busy day is a must. And then having a back-up plan should that initial plan not work. Write it out if you have to, but having a plan will make all the difference.
2 - Positive self-talk
The words in your head matter. Encourage yourself, be proud of yourself and don't be afraid to speak kindly to yourself. Confidence starts from within. Root yourself on!
3 - Pick a realistic program
This is a big one. Don't shoot for a 7-day-a-week program if you're starting from 0. Don't pick something so far out of your league that you feel defeated and like you'll never make it. Sure I want you to challenge your comfort zone, but also know what is realistic for you. Finding a program that meets this happy medium is much more likely to keep you coming back day after day.
4 - Pick something you enjoy
I used to do whatever program came out next no matter if I liked it or not. This led to burnout and to me not enjoying my workouts and wanting to stop or at least not looking forward to that part of my day. Working out is hard enough as it is, don't torture yourself with something you hate. There are plenty of choices out there, shop around.
5 - Get cute swag
Cute clothes and gear is always a win. And then put it on as soon in the day as you can. That way you cross one excuse out of the excuse book. Need help finding some cute and athletic gear? Check out my swag page, or some awesome Senita gear.
6 - Find an accountability buddy
Grab a friend, a coach or a trainer who knows what you have on your schedule and is willing to help you keep to it with encouragement and a little toughness. We all do better with someone at our back.
7 - Bring a friend
Workouts don't have to be done by your lonesome. Pick a program with a friend and do it together for added fun and an automatic accountability buddy.
8 - Track your progress
I am an avid post-workout selfie taker. People may think I'm crazy, but it's my number one way for tracking my workouts and seeing my progress. I love looking back on all of my photos and seeing not only how often I worked out, but how happy I look after, and how strong I look doing it. Selfies not your thing? That's okay, but find a way to track your progress.
9 - Be proud of each step along the way
Every step, every rep. Each step you take is one more than you had done before. DOn't wait until the end of a program to feel proud. Feel proud that you put the clothes on and pressed start. And then be proud of each movement thereafter.
10 - Watch your confidence increase
Pay attention to what happens to your mind and confidence as you start to become consistent. Notice the little places and spaces that you feel more alive, more yourself, or more outspoken in your daily life.
Don't forget, the mess is here to stay, so find all the ways to work with it instead of against it. You've got this.
Want some more help or support? Reach out!
Your Favorite Mess Coordinator,