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11 Running Mantras To Get You Through

When you talk, your whole body listens.

Okay I kinda hate that phrase so I'm not really sure why I just put it there, but I did. I guess because as annoying as it is, it shows that self-talk matters. And it does. Or so the research says. Research shows that positive self talk can not only improve our mood, outlook and goals, but it can also help us achieve those goals.

This was something that I used to, and still do, struggle with. But the fact of the matter is that the more I tell myself that I can do something, the more I actually do it and the better I feel. I found myself talking to the dog this morning - "I don't want to do it. But I have goals, so I'm gonna do it". Yup, those are the words that actually came out of my mouth. I sounded so cliche that I paused and looked down at myself. Did that really just pop out of my mouth? But I have been working on self-talk and this is what came out. I ended up really enjoying my run that I hadn't actually wanted to do. And the truly annoying thing is that I ran faster and easier than I had in a while. Dang things that work.

The bottom line is that positive self talk is important. Running mantras, or simple phrases that you repeat to yourself, can have a positive impact on your running. Furthermore, research shows that using "you" instead of "I" has an even greater positive impact on performance. So see below for some of my favorite running mantras, and give them a try. Have a different one you prefer? Share it in the comments for the rest of us!

11 Running Mantras to get you through:

1 - Yes you can

2 - You can do it

3 - You've got this

4 - One step at a time

5 - Line em up, Knock em down (@ Jess Sims)

6 - You can do hard things

7 - Inhale strength, exhale exhaustion

8 - You're prepared for this

9 - Each step is one step done

10- I am getting stronger with every step

11- I trained for this

These are all tried and used by yours truly. Depending on the day and what I need, I have used all of these examples. The thing is, running is hard. Life is hard. So make it a little damn easier by speaking kindly and pumping yourself up. Because after all, you can do hard things you badass you.

Happy Running!


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