Hey there!
Life is messy. Running is messy. And there is beauty in chaos.

Founder & UESCA Certified Run Coach
Hi there! I’m Teddi.
I’m that shy girl who meandered through early life without a ton of confidence, often second-guessing myself and feeling uncertain of my place in the world. But fast forward to today and I’m a mom of three incredible kids, a pediatric nurse practitioner, a personal run coach, and a personal trainer. My path to where I am now was not a straight line, nor is it over.
My college journey is absolutely a story for another day, but while pursuing my master’s degree I was inspired by my Dad to take up running. I ran many solo streets and felt very powerful crossing the finish line of my first half marathon. Years later, postpartum with my second child, I discovered strength training through the encouragement and support of friends. Both running and lifting unlocked parts of me I didn’t even know were missing. Over time, these passions—along with the transformative experience of motherhood—have shaped my confidence in ways I never imagined.
Although the shy girl still lingers within me, I now move through life with greater self-belief and growing confidence.
I created Beautiful Mess Running to help everyday women do the same: to prioritize themselves, embrace their goals, and ignite the self-confidence they deserve.
I can't wait to work with you!